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  1.  # 1

    Este Artigo aponta o Ar comprimido como fonte de energia e armazenamento em alternativa as baterias, embora seja uma tecnologia já conhecida a alguns anos, so agora que está a dar os primeiros passos, e ainda nem sequer existe comercialização da mesma, aponta como grande vantagem em relação as baterias, o seu ciclo de vida quase infinito.

    Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)

    Compared to chemical batteries, micro-CAES systems have some interesting advantages. Most importantly, a distributed network of compressed air energy storage systems would be much more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Over their lifetimes, chemical batteries store only two to ten times the energy needed to manufacture them. [4] Small-scale CAES systems do much better than that, mainly because of their much longer lifespan.

    Furthermore, they do not require rare or toxic materials, and the hardware is easily recyclable. In addition, decentralised compressed air energy storage doesn’t need high-tech production lines and can be manufactured, installed and maintained by local business, unlike an energy storage system based on chemical batteries. Finally, micro-CAES has no self-discharge, is tolerant of a wider range of environments, and promises to be cheaper than chemical batteries. [5]

    Although the initial investment cost is estimated to be higher than that of a battery system (around $10,000 for a typical residential set-up), and although above-ground storage increases the costs in comparison to underground storage (the storage vessel is good for roughly half of the investment cost), a compressed air energy storage system offers an almost infinite number of charge and discharge cycles. Batteries, on the other hand, need to be replaced every few years, which makes them more expensive in the long run. [5,6]

    É apontado um projecto experimental que consegue resultados interessantes e comparáveis a energia obtida por baterias.

    To give an idea of what a combination of the right components can achieve, let’s have a look at a last research project. [27] It concerns a system that is based on a highly efficient, custom-made compressor/expander, which is directly coupled to a DC motor/generator. Apart from its efficient components, this CAES project also introduces an innovative system configuration. It doesn’t use one large air storage tank, but several smaller ones, which are interconnected and computer-controlled.

    The setup consists of the compression/expansion unit coupled to three small (7L) cylinders, previously used as air extinguishers, and operates at low pressure (max 5 bar). The storage vessels are connected via PVC pipework and brass fittings. To control the air-flow, three computer-controlled air valves are installed at the inlet of each cylinder. The system can be extended by adding more pressure vessels.

  2.  # 2

    Um video de um projecto MINI CAES a funcionar
  3.  # 3

    Outro Projecto (mais antigo)
  4.  # 4

  5.  # 5

    Compressed Air Storage off the grid
    • eu
    • 17 novembro 2018

     # 6

    Essa ideia é muito antiga. Até já existiram protótipos de carros a ar comprimido.

    Há dois grandes problemas com o ar comprimido:
    -A densidade energética é baixa, ou seja, o volume do depósito tem que ser muito grande;
    -Há imensas perdas a carregar e a descarregar a energia;
  6.  # 7

    • eu
    • 17 novembro 2018

     # 8

    Outra alternativa popular é transformar a eletricidade em hidrogénio e armazenar o hidrogénio.

    Mais uma vez, a eficiência é baixa.
  7.  # 9

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